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Studio Visit

We started the year off with another fantastic tour on the Morning Shows @ITV Studios with a talk from Good Morning Britain, Deputy Editor followed by a studio tour with Vicki, Studio Manager.


Thank you for having us over again, as always delightful and insightful.

london youth

London Youth  Collaboration

#BornAmbitious, a brand-new network designed by London Youth to inspire young Londoners, asked Creative Sparkworks alumni, Ayo, from our first Film & TV Skills Training & Employment course, Film2Learn2Earn, to interview Florence Eshalomi, our local MP at our creative studio in Lambeth Walk.


Watch the full interview and read all about #BornAmbitious HERE 


Lambeth Country Show

One of the biggest Free Festivals in the UK, organised by Lambeth Council, Creative Sparkworks were invited to film and edit the Official Highlights for a 4th year, made by young people from Lambeth – Creative Sparkworks
alumni and staff worked together over a sunny weekend, watch the highlights here




Sony Pictures Entertainment Work Shadowing:

Creative Sparkworks partnered with Sony to offer our alumni a week of work shadowing in their Distribution Sales, Marketing & Planning – (Baltics, Africa, Greece, Israel, Nordics & Benelux), Social Media & Marketing, Commercial Strategy Support & Analytics, networking, presentation and industry skills development were some of the topics covered.

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Creed III Premiere

Creative Sparkworks were lucky to be invited to the London premiere of Creed III, Leicester Square, Cineworld. Michael B.Jordan and Tessa Thompson, Sue Kroll and Head of Amazon Studios Jennifer Salke were in attendance.


Sony Pictures Entertainment Screening of Creative Sparkworks Short Films

Alumni short films were showcased at Sony’s impressive inhouse cinema followed by networking drinks.


Into The Film Industry event with Rio Ferdinand Foundation, WB Pictures and Kiss FUM UK

Creative Sparkworks were invited to attend this event as part of the
partnership campaign #Notboxed. A movement that inspires careers and drives change in the way young people are supported in building their futures. An enlightening and exciting experience that gave young people from the Foundations & programmes had the opportunity to meet and talk with insiders in the film industry.


ITV Loose Women

Creative Sparkworks were invited to the live recording with Dame
Kelly Holmes, followed by a studio tour led by HODs and the Studio Manager.


Contact Us

To find out more about us, please reach out and we will come back to you to lock in a meeting.

Thanks for submitting!




157 Lambeth Walk

London, SE11 6EE

0203 6732 107

Registered Charity â„– 1146863


Registered in England & Wales  â„– 07610796

Creative Sparkworks
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