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The Young Talent Database initiative aims to address the challenges of inclusivity and accessibility in the Media, Arts Film and TV industry. This platform will serve as a bridge between aspiring underrepresented filmmakers and media companies seeking diverse talent.



Our mission is to empower underrepresented voices in the film industry by providing them with the tools, opportunities, and networks necessary to succeed. We strive to dismantle barriers to entry for young filmmakers while facilitating easier and more effective scouting for media companies.


Providing media companies with efficient tools to search for and connect with emerging creatives who meet their specific needs, simplifying the process of finding the perfect fit for their productions.


Partner with us to access and shape a diverse pool of emerging talent and champion inclusivity in the industry.


For more information or to get involved, please reach out through our contact page.Together, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic film industry.

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Contact Us

To find out more about us, please reach out and we will come back to you to lock in a meeting.

Thanks for submitting!




157 Lambeth Walk

London, SE11 6EE

0203 6732 107

Registered Charity â„– 1146863


Registered in England & Wales  â„– 07610796

Creative Sparkworks
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